Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another Hero Bites The Dust.

Theres no escape from barren weather
The cold war and the upturned collar
our agents all are under cover
there are no treaties to deliver
The red man trapped in his enclosure
The black man aiming from the shoulder
The white man dying of exposure
And children everywhere get older.

The hollywood avengers
are drunk and disqualified
Missionaries on morphine
lie giggling and paralyzed
On and on the bullet glides
to find its mark between the eyes
It finds its mark
Another hero bites the dust

Another Hero,from Chappaquiddick Bridge

Up date on Live Music threatened in Spain

The trial of the first defendants in the live music case mentioned on a previous post has taken place.  The case was was dismissed on the first case on the grounds that the festival was not banned!  And on the second case  a fine was imposed.  Thanks to all who have donated to the fighting fund.  For more details go to  the Dragonfestival website, detail on previous post.  Lance